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All the love we created, 2022

HD single channel video

17 minutes 9 seconds

This work was developed on Kaurna Country

Warning: This work contains the nude body.

Location: DB4-09


This is a performative articulation of my experiences of motherhood. A documentation of my body’s role as a mother. I watched it change, the skin stretching, bones shifting and muscles tearing. Through the moving image, I am reflecting upon my body’s maternal process and the capabilities of a woman’s body. The soundscape is a continuation of the body, it is constant nourishment, giving, feeding, and endless rocking. It is a documentation of the body that now is the mother’s body, the hanging breasts, the stretched skin, and a softer figure. This is a body that did not feel like my own, I had to become accustomed to and accept this new maternal figure. This archiving is a completely honest reflection of my experience. It is through these processes of making that I wish to acknowledge this journey of pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding and to celebrate this beautiful, ephemeral stage in my life that is motherhood.

Tarleeia Hawkins, All the love we created, 2022, HD single channel video, 17 minutes 9 sec
Tarleeia Hawkins, All the love we created, 2022, HD single channel video, 17 minutes 9 sec

Thank you

Sam Gold, Frances Barrett, Henry Wolff, Riley O’Keeffe and Kodi Mckay


To my son. For without you my heart would not be whole; I would not be the person I am today, and my practice would not have continued.

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