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Chain reaction, 2022

Found lace fabric, hair clippings and chain pendant

100 x 10 cm

Obsessive mental nesting, 2022

Acrylic /nylon blend yarn, beads and found objects

Variable Dimensions

This work was developed on Kaurna Country

Location: DB4-20



Sarah’s body of work takes the form of multiple hand-woven hanging pieces. It is the process of several months of repeated hand motions that served as a mechanism; accompanying decompression techniques and therapy work as a part of her healing journey. Each piece has its own meaning – every strand of fabric has a colour, a pattern or symbolic object. Sarah has connected these to a corresponding emotion, specific person or life event, of which have influenced their entire being in a variety of ways. They have woven together these meanings into a physical form of representation, to create a visual for the audience – to understand the results of their healing process, and to release these traumas from their mind.

Sarah Luckhurst, Chain reaction, 2022, found lace fabric, hair clippings and chain pendant
Sarah Luckhurst, Obsessive mental nesting, 2022, acrylic_nylon blend yarn, beads and found
Sarah Luckhurst, Obsessive mental nesting, 2022, acrylic_nylon blend yarn, beads and found
Sarah Luckhurst, Installation View
Sarah Luckhurst, Obsessive mental nesting, 2022, acrylic_nylon blend yarn, beads and found
Sarah Luckhurst, Obsessive mental nesting, 2022, acrylic_nylon blend yarn, beads and found

Thank you

Thank you to my parents, to whom I owe my life and memories. My sibling, of which we share a similar story and whom I cherish eternally. My beloved Grandmother, who has provided me the motivation and pressure to keep going. And to everyone else who has influenced my body of work – you know who you are.

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