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De Klerk

Longing, 2022

Black - Ceramics

80 x 30 cm

White - Ceramics

60 x 38 cm

Red Earth - Ceramics

65 x 30 cm


This work was developed on Kaurna Country

Location: DB4-21



Exploring themes of memory, nostalgia and the fragility of life, Marlize creates works that serve as a vehicle to re-imagine a memory in time.


The intent of the intuitively hand-made ceramic vessels is to evoke a meditative response, inviting viewers to awaken their own memories.


Guided by observation and reflection, the vessels are the result of analysing, refining and shaping the surface. Supporting the ideas that escape words, emotions are drawn out into a narrative within the works.


The accumulation of embellishments creates a chaotic atmosphere, referencing the feeling when serenity and silence are broken by a sound, becoming a catalyst for awakening memories. The vessels appear to be erupting in a continuous state of change. The use of black, white and red earth evokes different sensory responses and language, each open to interpretation.

Marlize De Klerk, Installation View
Marlize De Klerk, Longing, 2022, black - ceramics, 80 x 30 cm
Marlize De Klerk, Longing, 2022, white - ceramics, 60 x 38 cm
Marlize De Klerk, Longing, 2022, red earth - ceramics, 65 x 30 cm

Thank you

Eugene de Klerk, my dear husband, who has been so supportive and the driving force behind me, and Gerrie and Stienie de Klerk, my wonderful in-laws, who made my dream a reality. This would not have been possible without them. I would like to dedicate the work to my mom, Desre’, who has been the inspiration behind the work. 

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