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Memories of a crow, 2022


200 x 300 x 60 cm


Location: DB4-20



Growing from a deep fascination with birdlife since adolescence, as well as an affection for the superstitious and supernatural, ‘Corvus coronoides’—more commonly known as the crow—made for fulfilling research, catering to both interests. Crows being extremely intelligent birds that also attract vast historical superstition. Scientists have known for years that crows have great memories, that they can recognise a human face and behaviour, and that they can pass that information on to their offspring. Subsequently living an average lifespan of 10-12 years, the artist’s photographs are personal translucent images from birth to the age of 12 years, in unison with the birds. The artist created the artwork in relation to the idea, ‘if a Crow was made of its memories instead of feathers, and I was that crow, what would I look like?’


The artwork is a dedication to the past, the roads travelled, lessons learned, friends made and lost, good times, bad times and days long gone. Upon viewing the artwork, the artist accepts they will never again be the child in the pictures; the time spent will never be given back or experienced again.

Lorie Paynter, Memories of a crow, 2022, corflute, 200 x 300 x 60 cm
Lorie Paynter, Memories of a crow, 2022, corflute, 200 x 300 x 60 cm

Thank you

Thank you to my mother and father, Tanya and Mark, who raised me into the person I am today and photographed my childhood extensively. 

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