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betweox, 2022

UV pigment print on aluminium

90 x 60 cm

Ed. 1 of 5


betweox, 2022

UV pigment print on anodised titanium

30 x 15 cm

Ed. 1 of 1


This work was developed on Kaurna Country

Location: DB4-21


The project betweox explores queer intimacy and my belief that we are materialised through connection. These works imagine the intangible phenomenon that transpires between gestures of intimacy. Conjuring poetic accumulations of desire, my works draw out nuanced musings on queer agency and gender non-specificity. In-betweenness operates as a foundation for a methodology of transformation, enabling dialogue across both action and documentation. The oscillating, mercurial nature of my work eludes static expressions of relationships, adopting an entangled perspective on intimacy and identity. The betwixt space of betweox is thus charged with potency, and like lightning, produces yearning lines of connection that tease out potential trajectories for the subjects (and my own) colliding vulnerabilities.

Henry Wolff, Installation view
Henry Wolff, Installation view
Henry Wolff, betweox, 2022 UV pigment print on aluminium 90 x 60 cm Ed. 1 of 5
Henry Wolff, betweox, 2022 UV pigment print on aluminium 90 x 60 cm Ed. 1 of 5
Henry Wolff, betweox, 2022 UV pigment print on aluminium 90 x 60 cm Ed. 1 of 5
Henry Wolff, from the project _betweox_, 2022. UV pigment print on anodised titanium. Imag
Henry Wolff, betweox, 2022, UV pigment print on anodised titanium, 30 x 15 cm Ed. 1 of 1


Agents: Isiah Demiri, Jakob Isaac


Thank you

Isiah Demiri, Jakob Isaac. Miriam Sims, Declan Hoare. Heidi Kenyon. Mary-Anne Wolff. UniSA lecturers and technicians, with special thanks to Frances Barrett, Deirdre Feeney, Shane Haddy, Craig English, Sarah Rothe. Fellow students, especially those who contributed to the development of this project.

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