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We would like to welcome you to the 2022 University of South Australia, Bachelor of Contemporary Art and Master of Design (Contemporary Art) Graduate Exhibition: epoch.

Epoch is derived from the Medieval Latin epochē, meaning "cessation" or "fixed point." It is an event, or a time marked by an event that begins a new period or development. This exhibition marks a new beginning. It is a point that can mark the end of their degree, but also the start of this next journey, the catalyst in the escapade that is contemporary art.

Epoch showcases the outcomes of years of research, creation, and refinement. Each student has worked extensively to produce a piece or body of works that built from rigorous exploration into their chosen discipline. The range of work in its varying forms are indicative of the vast creative dynamism that is integral to contemporary art.

The University of South Australia Creative staff and Graduate Exhibition Committee are delighted to present this Exhibition of the Graduating cohort of 2022 and extend our sincerest aspiration of success to the students and their future endeavours.


Crista Bradshaw

President of the Graduate Exhibition Committee

Belinda Walker

Sarah Luckhurst

Georgia Fox 

David Hume 
Masters Representative 

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