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Then We Keep Living Vol. 2, 2022


Left to Right:

Hong Kong grocery, Adelaide, South Australia, 2022

Archival pigment print

76.2 x 88.9 cm


Freedom - South Australia Chinese weekly, Adelaide, South Australia, 2022

Archival pigment print

76.2 x 88.9 cm


Ted Hui, Adelaide, South Australia, 2022

Archival pigment print

76.2 x 88.9 cm


Expired passport, Adelaide, South Australia, 2022

Archival pigment print

76.2 x 88.9 cm


Untitled, Adelaide, South Australia, 2022

Archival pigment print

76.2 x 88.9 cm

Location: DB7-05



Comprising five photographic images, my photo essay showcases fragments of my ongoing project Then We Keep Living. The work is prompted by the 2019 political unrest in my home Hong Kong, which eventually led to waves of migration as hope for freedom diminishes in the city. The photo essay seeks to articulate the diasporic experience among the people of Hong Kong who fled their home, voluntarily or reluctantly, in search of greater freedom after bearing the city’s recent sociopolitical trauma. The series chronicles my encounter as part of the developing Hong Kong diaspora residing in Australia, while I venture to retrace my roots and search for resonance to home in a foreign space. Through photographic narratives, I hope to not only unpack the complexities of trauma and healing among the Hong Kong diaspora, but also to explore the multifaceted experience of truth by employing the camera as a tool to navigate personal and communal socio-political subjectivity.

Chris Siu, Hong Kong grocery, Adelaide, South Australia, 2022, archival pigment print, 76.
Chris Siu, Freedom - South Australia Chinese weekly, Adelaide, South Australia, 2022, arch
Chris Siu, Ted Hui, Adelaide, South Australia, 2022, archival pigment print, 76.2 x 88.9 c
Chris Siu, Expired passport, Adelaide, South Australia, 2022, archival pigment print, 76.2
Chris Siu, Untitled, Adelaide, South Australia, 2022, archival pigment print, 76.2 x 88.9
Chris Siu, Then We Keep Living Vol. 2, 2022


Mr. Ted Hui Chi Fung

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