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We will remember them, 2022

Mp4 HD video and audio projected onto bisque fired ceramic

2 minutes, 48 seconds

Eco tears, 2022

Homemade recycled paper with vegetable dyes

200 x 100 x 10 cm


This work was developed on Kaurna Country

Location: Liverpool Street Gallery



Trees give life through their oxygen-giving lifeforce, but deforestation and land clearing worldwide is destroying ecological equilibrium. My aim in creating these trunk-like vessels, filled with air (oxygen), was to create the seductive outline of trees by manipulating clay. Projected footage of healthy trees onto the ceramic tree trunks creates abstract shapes and textures on the surfaces, enhancing their seductive forms. These irregularly shaped ceramic forms show the process journey of imperfect results due to the nature of managing the clay’s moisture and drying process over time. In response to exterior forces, they stand strong and stoic, expressing resilience. My aim is to inspire viewers to reflect on protecting our natural environment.

The installation Eco tears responds to ‘eco grief’, a growing phenomenon of feeling helpless in the face of environmental destruction. These ripped, warped, yet delicate ‘tears’ are vulnerable forms, which cascade downwards like water. They are in direct contrast to the strength of the installation of ceramic tree trunks. Also, the process reminds us to be more sustainable by recycling.

Carissa Hubrechsen, We will remember them, 2022, mp4 HD video and audio projected onto bis
Carissa Hubrechsen, Eco tears, 2022, homemade recycled paper with vegetable dyes, 200 x 10

Thank you

Lecturers Michael Kutschbach and Peter Walker

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