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Ink and acrylic on kraft, card and paper, papier-mâché and terracotta

200 x 250 x 230 cm

This work was developed on Kaurna Country

Warning: This work contains reference to totalitarianism, substance abuse, birth, subjugation of women and the masses, nudity, sexual references, a terrorist attack, depictions of war, depression and xenophobia


Location: DB7-05


CONSPIRAGANDA seeks to highlight some of the outlandish things people have come to believe in the 21st century and the negative impact they’ve had on our society. While the internet has become a powerful tool for education, it has also led to the proliferation of mis- and dis-information due to individuals’ ability to publish anything without peer review and a lack of critical thinking on behalf of the consumer. Now, thanks to certain algorithms, these messages have become exacerbated in the resulting echo chambers.


I’ve taken the idea of broad, simplistic memes and juxtaposed them with propaganda posters and simple Soviet era slogans to create an alternate society where conspiracy theories have been embraced by the government. This satiric take exposes the disastrous consequences of unquestioning media consumption and the crippling affect it will have on those who are born into it.


With a wealth of information sitting at arm’s reach, are you able to decipher truth from lies?

Callum Muzyka, CONSPIRAGANDA, 2022, ink and acrylic on kraft, card and paper, papier-mâché
Callum Muzyka, CONSPIRAGANDA, 2022, ink and acrylic on kraft, card and paper, papier-mâché
Callum Muzyka, CONSPIRAGANDA, 2022, ink and acrylic on kraft, card and paper, papier-mâché

Thank you

To all my fellow artists who have supported and inspired me through the year.

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